Sunday, May 25, 2008

An article about my country in the English speaking press

In the early afternoon on 12th May a huge earthquake struck Sichuan Province in south west China. The earthquake was so strong it shook about 1,500 kilometres away. Many people in these regions died due to this serious disaster. I, like all Chinese people and even the whole world, have been concerned about this event all through. I selected this article Nation of 1.3bn falls silent to honour victims from NZ Herald because this is a significant event for China. The Chinese government ordered a three-day mourning period for the whole country to let all Chinese people, the grief of families, those hard-working rescuers and aids from the whole China and international community remember those victims in this destroyed earthquake.

This article mainly described how Chinese people mourned the victims of the huge earthquake in Wenchuan in diverse ways. In the three days of mourning, the national flag flew at half mast in Beijing's Tiananmen Square and the Olympic torch relay stopped. During the first three minutes from 14.28 19th May throughout the whole of China air raid sirens and car, train and ship horns wailed, people everywhere all observed a 3 minute silence and all public entertainment as well as stock and futures exchanges stopped trading.

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